The Federated International  Renaissance  Movement   or the firm as is known 
By it’s members and components that form the movement is the ruling government 
In power on the times of the “Novus Genesis Hype”   Compose  and  mayoralty ruled 
by  now deposed  or retired companies C.E.O.s  And  important influential billionaires 
of the old era  and protected by  an army mostly compose of old dictators and  military 
Officials of various governments also incorporated  large teams of scientist to help  
Them in a attempt to bring order and stability  to a society 
Brought to the brink of total devastation  during the time of chaos after a global 
Disaster that almost put the human race on the endanger list of species .  

The Firm enforce an ideal of progress above all else and equality to all it’s 
citizens.  Taking different aspects of all ideological and political ideologies in existence 
Before the time of chaos.   The ruling console of  the firm is permanent  but it’s lower 
Components as governors and  sector  managers  can be elected  in local ballots every 
5 years. Giving their citizens a sense of participation of to whom will represent them
 in the consul sessions.  

The Firm enforce the notion that religion took a mayor role in the world’s catastrophe 
By indoctrinating their followers to believe and hope on false premises . There for 
On the FIRM religion is ban,  instead is science that is priced as the only truth. 
But  they understand their citizens  need  some sort of emotional comfort there for  
 they replaced the pastors and  reverends with counselors Who basically offer 
psychological guidance to the their citizens.  

The Federated International  Renaissance  Movement   was born almost after 
The time of chaos was officially declare short after 2039 .  Some expostulate 
It was created at some point of 2041 others at 2042.  Nobody has an exact date 
Do to the chaotic nature of the times in which is the movement began .  
The firm composed mostly by entrepreneurs and scientist at that time  discovered 
And founded  researches  that would help restore a resembles of the  quality of 
Life lived before the time of chaos.  There for their triumphant card of presentation  
Is the almost exclusive of firm states technology of  Tesla energy  transfer coils that 
Basically energize  and make possible the quick prosperity seen   on all Firm city states. 

Such  Was the extent of the FIRM to begin a new era that soon after it began colonizing 
The former united states began working on a new calendar system. This way 
Establishing  that the old ways had to be shred away and a new age embrace. 

The new firm calendar should be divided in 2 chronological directions 
B.R.  - BEFORE REBIRTH .  Any  date before 2039 this last been the last  official date 
Recorded before the time of chaos 
A.R.  -  AFTER REBIRTH .  Any date after  the official establishment of the firm era- 

Any  B.R. date  parts from the notion 2039 was the last year of the old age there for 
All dates in this category  goes backward to this year … ex:  028.09.12  means 
28 years before rebirth   at the nine month of it’s  12 day -  which would translate 
To our calendar as  September 12 2011 - 

All A.R. category dates goes forward from 000.01.01  a.r.  which means 
0 years after rebirth of the first month  on it’s first day  -  there is no  roman 
Calendar actual accurate translation to this dates do to the fact nobody  knows
How long the age of chaos was -  

The Novus Genesis Hype  begins on  061.05.31 a.r. and is the time of our story - 

To see more of the firm keep your eyes on Novus Genesis Hype on sep 22 2011 
Or  028.09.22 br 
